Data warehousing is a key pillar to help implement modern business systems and an important step to automating business functions. A data warehouse is a specialised database system to consolidate key information from a range of different sources - and is typically hosted in the cloud.

By compiling data from systems across the organisation and cleaning this data into organised structures, the data warehouse becomes an incredible tool for powering decision making. The data warehouse should not typically be used for operations, instead being a repository of historical data - allowing for complex time series and trend analysis.

Establishing a data warehouse also creates the opportunity to seamlessly apply machine learning tools in the business, with clean and large datasets accessible through simple API calls.

Modernise your business data, discuss Data Warehousing with Wallace Corporation today.


  • Modernise database systems
  • Collate information from key systems into a single source
  • Reduce hardware overhead costs with cloud based systems
  • Leverages tech giants security systems


  • Set up of historical records in the cloud may be energy intensive


Data warehousing is an important consideration when it comes to system design, and leveraging business data. Getting this right provides the platform to build all other data exchanges between business systems.